Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The McAdoo Clan - A Tree Needing Nourishment


The McAdoo Clan Ancestry Project(TMCAP) has been underway for more than four years. Through input from many of you, other family researchers, and the research I have conducted, our family tree, including its many branches and twigs has grown to over 800 individuals. Much like organic trees, genealogy trees require nourishment and cultivation. We have reached the point in this project that for our tree to continue to grow and retain its vitality, it needs additional attention.

Our tree can be cultivated and nourished with additional historical information on ancestors and descendants. Stories and photos are a great way to give added life to our tree. Further, it will be only as relevant as its current information. Somehow, as a family, we need to also figure out how to communicate current family events, so that we can keep the tree growing for future generations of cousins. We need a few gardeners to volunteer to cultivate their branches.

What can gardeners do to help? Here are several ideas—1) check for missing data in your family and branch, 2) locate the information and send it to me along with any photos and interesting stories. 3) stay in touch through our new TMCAP group on the linkedin network, and 4)consider contributing to our blog. Here is the list of our web sites:

The McAdoo Clan http://jhmc1.tribalpages.com (contact me if you don’t have the password)

The McAdoo Clan Blog http://jhmc1.blogspot.com

The McAdoo Clan Ancestry Project(TMCAP) http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/924217/ (let me know if you would like to join this discussion group or it’s simple enough to enroll directly)

McAdoo Family Tree at Ancestry.com. A research site for historical data. (contact me if you are interested in viewing our tree.)

We are cousins. Many of us, for various reasons have only a casual relationship or no relationship with those outside of our immediate family. We now have available a number of web-based communication tools to get to know one another better, to keep informed about family events, and to continue strengthening our family tree. We need more gardeners! I look forward to your comments.



At May 9, 2014 at 8:07 AM , Blogger Rosemary said...

Hi I am a McAdoo from Cork in Ireland - as far as I am aware we are the only family in southern Ireland with that name- our history goes back to Northern Ireland and from there back to Scotish Presbytereian planters. I am married ( surname Somerton) and now living in Yorkshire but we also get back to Ireland quite a lot as we have a house there.

At April 6, 2018 at 7:58 PM , Blogger MMc said...

Glad to find this site - I'm a McAdoo and live in Ft. Worth Texas. Going to Scotland in a few weeks and was hoping to find some info about my family to possibly look for while there.

At November 10, 2018 at 11:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am a McINDOO and my ggggggrandfather, William McIndoo came from Cavan to Canada around 1825. That is as far back as I've been able to trace him.


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