In Memory of Ernest Albert "Bud" Nicholson
I met Uncle Bud just a few times prior to his marriage to my Aunt Lillian Smith. Bud enlisted in the U.S. Navy probably in late 1943 or early 1944. After officer and flight training schools, he was assigned to PBY Patrol Bombing Squadron 71 (VPB-71) that was being redesignated in October, 1944 at San Diego, CA. About that time Bud and Aunt Lillian married, and if memory serves me correctly, she relocated to California for a short time before he was sent to the South Pacific.
Bud became a member of Patrol Bombing Squadron 71 flying PBY-5A Catalina amphibious airplanes that fulfilled multiple roles in WWII. The squadron’s planes were painted black, and were known as the “Black Cat” PBYs because their primary mission was night attacks on Japanese ships between the Philippines and Formosa.

It was not long thereafter when I learned that Uncle Bud was missing in action. The plane and crew were never found. He was officially declared dead 04 Feb 1946. I have recently discovered information about his military service that adds meaning and some closure to his short career and life.
Below is an excerpt from the squadron log of the events leading up to Bud’s disappearance -
February 1 through February 7, 1945.
Patrol Bombing Squadron SEVENTY-ONE continued long range night searches from Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, P.I. during this period. The squadron was based on the U.S.S. TANGIER and the U.S.S. BARATARIA.
Eighteen search missions were flown and while only two attacks were made on enemy shipping each of these resulted in a definite kill.
Lieutenant (jg) Albert J. LEHMICKE, Jr. with Crew 14 flying PBY-5A Bureau Number 46529 failed to return from patrol the night of 2-3 February. His assigned sector was 350-360 degrees true from Lingayen and out 600 miles which includes Formosa. The last contact with the plane was a routine radio check shortly after take-off.
Members of the plane crew were as follows:
Lieutenant (jg) Albert John LEHMICKE, Jr., USNR (l76440).
Ensign Ernest Albert NICHOLSON, USNR, (346745).
Ensign William Edward SARATH, USNR, (337810).
HARMAN, Melvin Earl, (SSN deleted by webmaster), AAM2c (CA), USN.
SELL, Wilmar Phillip, (SSN deleted by webmaster), AAM3c (CA) SV, USN.
MARTIN, Carl Coleman, (SSN deleted by webmaster), ARM1c (T)(CA), USN.
MADISON, William Thomas, (SSN deleted by webmaster), ARM3c (CA) SV V6, USNR.
TYBOR, Philip Clement, (SSN deleted by webmaster), AOM2c (T)(CA), USN-I.
WHITE, Charles Hamilton, (SSN deleted by webmaster), ACOM(AA)(T)(CA)(AB), USN.
Special searches for the missing plane were sent out on February 3, 4 and 5 with negative results. Unfavorable weather with high winds and low visibility hindered the special search planes.
Source: The War History of Patrol Bombing Squadron VP-71, page 47 (
I have also located the tablet inscription commemorating his service and death located at Fort William McKinley, Manila, The Philippines.

Ernest A. Nicholson
Ensign, U.S. Navy
Service # 0-346745
United States Naval Reserve
Entered the Service from: Pennsylvania
Died: 4-Feb-46
Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
Awards: Purple Heart
Find A Grave Memorial# 56768441
Other Resources:
Service Personnel Not Recovered Following WWII
Person's Full Name Service No. Service Name Service Rank Date of Loss
NICHOLSON, ERNEST A. 346745 USNR ENS 03 Feb 1945
Source: Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office